Thursday 29 May 2014

how to make a website!!!!!

So you want to blog?

First figure out what you are using your website for, this will help you pick out a domain name. A domain name is a name for your website that will allow you to access it from anywhere. It will also be trademarked to you and even if the website host closes, you can make it again. A place to get a domain name is There is a way you can get a coupon to make your domain name cost 1 cent for your first month. There are other sites as well, like You would need to research what works better for you. A Domain name should be 1. easy to remember 2. cool 3. don't pick something that limits the thing you can do; example, would be very limited. Do something expandable, but stay on topic. 4. always advertise it exactly as it is written; say your name was, never advertise it as, always remember "the" part. Once you have decided on a name, google it to see if someone else already has it. You want to be unique! Don't use your name in it for safety reasons! 
  Another way to make a website is to use a service. This is much easier because it has a lot of stuff already set up and available to you but you have to remember that if the service closes, your website closes and you would have to begin again somewhere else. This is a good way to start out though, to see if you actually like having a website. Just remember to not include much personal information though because nothing is really free; either the service will be selling your information to a marketer or it will use part of your webpage for advertisements.  
So some good sites that will require no mechanical know how are:,, or You will require an email to make a website on any of these. There are many suggestions about email names on the web; some say don't use your name others say do.  I have set up one email address with my name that I will use to set up my website and to email friends and family with. I will use a different email address on my website that doesn't have my name so my identity is better protected. Don't use your real full name on a website; do you want future employers...or worse your own kids, to one day google your name and see what would then seem like lame stuff you were into or a badly written article?  
 I have set up my email through google's gmail. I can access it anywhere and it has strong spam filters to help protect me from weirdos and scams (never open any ever...without showing the email to an adult first and never click on a web link in an email). My email has been integrated into my mom's email for further safety. My emails will go into my own folder but my mom will have access to them in case of problems and also so it is legal for me to have an email and blog. There are kid specific email systems you can use for email through AOL or Microsoft Live but you can not use these for making a website. This is because websites  and email systems can't sell information about you until you are 13. For example in any online email like the google gmail, there are programs that run in the background looking for keywords in your subject line and inside the email. These keywords are then used to tailor what advertisements you might see and results you might get when surfing the web or it will be sold to a service you use, like if you use Facebook. Facebook will also track everything you do on the web once you have an account. Its part of being online, so be aware!  
Once you have an email and have picked out where you will make your website, get a few things ready to post on it. You don't want to have an empty website! After you make your website you will need to be taking care of it, like a pet. It will need to be monitored for feedback or problems and you will also need to be always updating it so it is freshtastic. Remember to try and keep pictures and stuff original, don't rip them off from the web. There are some places you can source pictures from...maybe I will blog about it.  

Now that I think of it, I'm going to tell you a few things that are cool to put on a blog: Reviews, adventures, videos, pictures and how to guides are really cool to put on a website and there's many more cool stuff to do as well. 
So all I can say is....... 

Happy Blogging!!!!!

Sunday 25 May 2014

Where The Wild Things Are - Movie

My Mom brought home a bunch of books and movies from the library. We decided to watch "Where The Wild Things Are". This movie is a downer. It is CREEPY. Overall, it is stupid. Don't watch it. It has been out a long time, so if you were lucky and missed it - heed my advice and save yourself!

I am now off to watch something fun and silly on TV and hopefully erase some of that #$@%#@ from my mind.
note bird thing that had his arm ripped off by a friend...enough said...

Thursday 15 May 2014

Bonjour, Hello and Welcome to my Blog

Hi - I have wanted to have a blog for a while now because I want to post things like:

stop-motion videos, comics, games, and other stuff that I make or am interested in. 

If I happen to have an adventure along the way - I might post it here as well.

Fortunately for me, a school project has come up which has enabled me to talk my parents into letting me have my own blog. Thank you school! The school has a identity day, and I am going to display this blog. Sweet project, right?

See you again soon.